Using Microsoft Teams in a Zoom Room (and Vice-Versa)

When Microsoft Teams was announced, many people were unsure if they could still use Zoom Rooms. The answer is yes – Teams and Zoom rooms can be used together to create an effective online meeting space. This blog post will compare Teams and Zoom and discuss the benefits of using both tools together.


Zoom and Teams Compatability – A Brief History

Most businesses have decided on their video conferencing service and have completed many of their conference room set-ups. While improved technology has made communicating between accounts on the same platform quick, simple, and efficient, connecting one service to another has been frustrating.

Organizations previously had a hard time managing these issues and could have spent a great deal of money attempting to do so. Microsoft Teams and Zoom are both working on solutions to overcome this problem. Microsoft Teams and Zoom recently expanded their interoperability to allow Zoom Rooms accounts to join Microsoft Teams meetings without requiring additional infrastructure or third-party services.


What is Microsoft Teams, and how does it work compared to Zoom Rooms?

Microsoft Teams is a chat-based workspace that brings together people, conversations, and content. It’s designed to help organizations be more productive by giving teams a single place to collaborate on projects, share files, and stay up-to-date on the latest news.

Zoom Rooms is a video conferencing solution that lets you turn any room into a meeting space. It is designed for companies who want to provide their employees with an easy way to connect and collaborate face-to-face.


Can they be used together at the same time?

Both Teams and Zoom Rooms can be used together to create an efficient and collaborative online meeting space. You can easily join a Microsoft Teams meeting from a Zoom Room, and you can join Zoom meetings from a Microsoft Teams Room.


Pros and cons of using Teams in a Zoom Room

There are several pros and cons of using Teams in a Zoom Room.



Allows you to connect with people in other locations
You can use Teams and Zoom Rooms to connect with people in other locations. This is especially helpful if you have remote workers or need to connect with clients or customers located in different parts of the world.

Collaborate on projects
You can use Teams and Zoom Rooms to collaborate on projects. This is helpful if you need to work on a project with people located in different parts of the world.

Stay up-to-date on the latest company news
You can use Teams and Zoom Rooms to stay up-to-date on the latest information about your company.


It may be confusing for some users
Some users may find it confusing to use both Teams and Zoom Rooms. It may be helpful to provide training or support for users who are not familiar with both tools.

It can be difficult to keep track of all the different conversations
If you are using both Microsoft Teams and Zoom rooms, you will need to keep track of all the other conversations. This can be especially difficult if you are participating in multiple conversations simultaneously.

Overall, using both Teams and Zoom Rooms allows you to connect with people in other locations, collaborate on projects, and stay up-to-date on the latest news. This can help you be more productive and efficient in your work.


How to set up Microsoft Teams for use in a Zoom Room

If you want to use Microsoft Teams in a Zoom Room, you will need to set up Teams. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new team: Click on the <Teams> tab in the left-hand menu. Click on the <Create Team> button.
  2. Add members to your team: Click on the <Members> tab in the left-hand menu. Then, click on the “Add Members” button.
  3. Create channels: To create channels, click on the “Channels” tab in the left-hand menu. Then, click on the “Create Channel” button.
  4. Install the Zoom Rooms app: To install the Zoom Rooms app, click on the “Apps” tab in the left-hand menu. Then, click on the “Zoom Rooms” app.

Once you have set up Teams, you will be able to use it in a Zoom Room. This can help you be more productive and efficient in your work.


How to set up Zoom for use in a Microsoft Teams Room

  1. Click on <More> from the Microsoft Team Rooms home screen.
  2. Click on <Settings>.
  3. Enter your Administrator password (“sfb” by default on Microsoft Team Rooms systems).
  4. Click on <Meetings> on the left-hand side of the screen.
  5. Under “3rd Party Meetings,” turn on Cisco Webex and Zoom.
  6. Under the “Zoom” slider, click on <Join> with the custom info radial button.
  7. Enter Guest credentials for the room (any email).
  8. Click on <Save> and <Exit> in the lower right.


This good news comes as a great relief to many organizations, but there are some restrictions to be aware of. One of the most significant limitations is content sharing limits.

Joining a Microsoft Teams Room with Zoom
The participant may join a Microsoft Teams meeting, but they cannot share anything from the Zoom Rooms device. However, content sharing is still possible throughout the session. Because the meeting is held on the Microsoft Teams platform, you may still share content as you would with any other device.

Content may be shared from a separate device on the Zoom Rooms side, such as a laptop or mobile device. Simply invite the device to the meeting along with the Zoom Rooms account.

Second, adding extra Zoom users while the meeting is live might be difficult. The initial meeting invite is the most convenient method to get all the necessary participants. Only users from within Microsoft Teams may be added to a session using the Microsoft Teams Room touch control. The secondary Zoom device, which may be dedicated to distributing material, is another option.

Joining a Zoom Room with Microsoft Teams
There are several constraints to bear in mind when connecting Zoom to Team rooms, just as there are when connecting from Zoom Rooms with Teams. The biggest drawback is that there isn’t enough content sharing between the two platforms. Because a Zoom call is connected to the Microsoft Teams Room, users on Zoom have standard access to content sharing, whereas users on MTR do not.

The solution is the same as with Zoom Rooms. Have a separate device on the Microsoft Teams side dedicated to content sharing for the Zoom user. The sharing device will most likely be a personal computer, such as one of the participants’ laptops. The participant may then utilize the share screen functionality as usual.

The second problem is a little simpler to overcome. Because the MTR is joining a Zoom call, it does not have access to invite additional participants from its network. The simple solution is for the Zoom user to send an email invite to all necessary participants. If you want a device to share content with other Zoom users, make sure the participant is invited ahead of time.


Tips and tricks for getting the most out of Microsoft Teams in a Zoom Room

Here are some tips and tricks for getting the most out of Microsoft Teams in a Zoom Room:

Make sure to set up Teams before you join a Zoom Room
To get the most out of Microsoft Teams in a Zoom Room, you need to set it up before joining the room. This way, you will be able to use all of the features and functions that Teams offers.

Create a team for each project
If you are working on multiple projects, you may want to create a team for each project. This way, you can keep all of the conversations and files for each project organized and in one place.

Use channels to stay organized
Channels can be used to keep all of the conversations and files for each project organized. This way, you won’t have to search through all of the different conversations to find the information that you are looking for.

Install the Zoom Rooms app
The Zoom Rooms app can be used to join a Zoom Room from your Teams account. This can be helpful if you need to join a meeting held in a Zoom Room.

By following these tips and tricks, you can get the most out of Microsoft Teams in a Zoom Room. This can help you be more productive and efficient in your work.


Zoom Rooms vs. Microsoft Teams: Which is better for you?

Now that you know the pros and cons of Microsoft Teams and Zoom Rooms, you may be wondering which one is better for you. If you’re not sure which one to use, here are some things to consider:

Do you need to connect with people in different parts of the world? If so, then Teams is a better option for you. This is because Teams offers audio and video calling, which can be used to connect with people in different parts of the world.

Do you need to share files or collaborate on projects? If so, then Teams is a better option for you. Teams offer features that allow you to share files and collaborate on projects.

Do you need to join meetings that are being held in Zoom Rooms? If so, then the Zoom Rooms app is a better option for you. This is because the app can be used to join meetings held in Zoom Rooms.

You can decide which tool is best for you by considering these factors. Teams is a better option if you need to connect with people in different parts of the world or share files and collaborate on projects. If you need to join meetings held in Zoom Rooms, then the Zoom Rooms app is a better option.



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